You must be Java enabled to use the "Secret Tarot" script.
(c) Steve Hawkins 2011
My introduction to earth energies was an old crystal set with a huge aerial coil 2 feet across and a quartz crystal in a cats whisker detector that you tickled until you got a signal, and an earth, a wire connected to the great "electrical sponge" in the ground. The music was as cool as anything could be for an 8 year old, but what really fascinated me was the crackle of lightning!
The earth conducts electricity, it can also both absorb electricity and release it, the earth can also store it. The earth stores electricity the same way a car battery does, by converting lead into lead sulfide and releases electricity by converting lead sulfide back to lead.
All metal sulfides act in this way. Within the earth are massive metal sulfide ore bodies, all are highly sought after by the mining industry, it is within these ore bodies that earth stores electricity. As you would expect, because there is electrical current moving in and out of these ore bodies they have a relatively low electrical resistance. It is by passing a large electrical current through the earth that the mineral exploration industry can locate these ore bodies by comparing the resistivity with the earth around them. Note that resistivity is the
reciprocal of resistance.
I spent 18 months in the mineral exploration industry working with with teams doing resistivity and induced polarization surveys. This gave me a good understanding of those flows of electrical energy within the earth. There are many flows of energy within the earth that I have no understanding of.
We know that the earth stores electricity in the metal sulfide ore bodies because mineral exploration uses that same property to locate these ore bodies. We fire an electrical pulse through the earth and analyze it at various points along its path. The leading edge of the pulse is absorbed by an ore body and released at the trailing edge, in effect a charge and discharge cycle.
Induced polarization surveys are affected by electrical noise. This is the same phenominum that blanks out radio transmissions and is caused by solar flares but instead of effecting the ionosphere it reaches the earth and flows through it.
The sun is constantly ejecting particles into space, this is called the solar wind. The earth's poles draw in alpha particles from the solar wind and send them spiraling down into the atmosphere.
Alpha particles are two electrons bound together by a small amount of atomic energy, when one strikes molecules of air it splits into two individual electrons and releases a small flash of energy. This energy is normally absorbed by the atmosphere but if enough is available it causes
the air to fluoresce to produce the aurora borealis over the north pole and the aurora australis over the south pole.
Solar flares flow between sunspots on the surface of the sun, they produce enormous blasts of solar wind. When these are drawn down into the earths atmosphere they produce the fabulous aurora displays seen at the peak of the 11 year sunspot cycle.
The sunspot cycle is associated with periodic reversal of the sun's magnetic field around the time of sunspot maximum, the sun's magnetic field reaches peak strength at the time of sunspot minimum. The cycle is on average 22 years yet because the aurora displays are independent of
magnetic polarity its called the "11-year sunspot cycle". The last sunspot minimum was mid 2008.
There is a permanent high pressure weather system over each pole, a column of cold, dry and highly charged air is falling out of the sky and howling across the polar ice. The wind dumps most of its ice and electrical charge in the sub-polar regions.
The electrical energy flows towards the equator to bringing the planet into balance, its actually looking for low pressure weather systems so it can exit the planet. These are the current flows that charge the metal sulfide ore bodies.
A low pressure weather system is a column of warm moist air rising into the upper atmosphere; the air close to the ground has the same electrical charge as the earth. As soon as the air starts to rise it developes a capacity with respect to the earth and the +ve voltage potential of that charge increases the further it gets from the ground.
Eventually the voltage increases to the point where the air between the earth and the electrically charged cloud breaks down and a lightning strike occurs. The more air rises and the higher it rises the more intense the lightning storm.
Air is normally an insulator but as the air pressure drops the easier it is for the electrons to move around. The electron cloud that forms over a thunder storm repels the electrons higher in the atmosphere to a height where they ionize back into alpha particles to be blown back into space by the solar wind. As nobody appears to have given this flow of electrical energy within the earth a name for the purposes of this article I've called it the auroric current.
The auroric current is far from stable, while engaged in an IP (induced polarization) survey the team leader checked in with base daily with regard to the occurrence of solar events. A solar event, which includes sunspots, can totally mask an IP transmitter, no readings until things calm down. On several occasions the noise on the auroric current was sufficient to mask IP signals without a solar event, there had been rain, it had changed the local resistivity such that the metal sulfide ore bodies were charging and discharging with respect to each other.
A good IP team leader knows when the auroric current is unstable before the transmitter is switched on, they can feel it, anyone can feel it, its the same as the build up before a thunder storm. That tightness in the muscles and tension headache, the flights of temper that comes when the air is flush with positive ions as the electrostatic potential builds but not quite enough to produce lightning. Anyone holding a pendulum now would see it swing wildly whether they believed in dowsing or not, the muscle tension in their arms would guarentee it.
The western world has for many years believed feng shui to be based upon the hydrological cycle but ask any feng shui practitioner and they'll tell you that its not the whole story. "Fire condenses to wind which congeals to water which freezes to ice and gems" is as relevant to auroric current as it is to the hydrological cycle. Its a whole new perspective on feng shui and traditional Chinese medicine as well as on the nature of Ki itself.
As an artist and author I have preferred work sites, my output when working at one of these sites is 2 or 3 times what it would normally be! All of these sites match an ideal feng shui scenario, low ground in a hilly or mountainous area with a creek or river flowing around it with water in the creek flowing fast to and from the site. In feng shui terms there is an accumillation of ki, where as it could also be said that the turbulent auroric flow is calmed by the large body of shallow ground water under each site. Auroric current ties in nicely with dowsing and ley lines, this matter requires much more research.
The auroric current was known and understood by the ancient Celts. Merlyn, under the guidance of his familiar spirit, had his sister, Queen Ganida, build an observatory where he could observe the heavens and prophesy the fortunes of Britain, so says Geoffrey of Monmouth's 12th century book "Vita Merlini". Merlin says to his sister Ganida "Before the other buildings build for me a remote one with 70 doors and as many windows through which I may watch fire-breathing Phoebus (the Sun) and Venus and the stars gliding from the heavens by night, all of whom shall show me what is going to happen to the people of the kingdom."
We know from Medieval sources that the Celts often counted in 8's (octal), this practice is still evident in US customary measure, eg. 1lb. of wheat = 1 pint, 8lb. of wheat = 1gal. and 8gal. of wheat = 1 bushel. The number 70 is octal, when converted to decimal, such as we use today, Merlin's Observatory had 56 "doors and windows"! This positively identifies Merlyn's observatory as Stonehenge stage 2 with its 56 Aubrey holes. It has been demonstrated that one of the main functions of stonehenge was eclipse prediction, these predictions were used to synchronize the ancient celtic calendar. Could the pre-Celtic word for predicting eclipses and the word for prophesy (divination) have been the same? Assuming that there's a difference!
The eye witness description of Merlin's observatory quoted by Geoffrey of Monmouth is a linteled wooden circle with 56 apertures. After successive reconstructions it would leave behind 56 holes such as at Stonehenge. Merlin's observatory would become the "First Standard of Time" throughout the Celtic World, the ancient Celtic calender survived as the Coligny Calender, a Romano-Gallic calender found near Lyons in France.
This later part of the article is about a tarot spread that duplicates the eclipse predicting function of Stonehenge, its accurate to a few hours in 224 years! That eclipse predicting function is duplicated in a java script; this is the "Secret Tarot". Ozzies and Kiwis note that this work is written from a Northern Hemisphere perspective.
The existence of this tarot spread and its relationship to the Stonehenge monument implies that the tarot originated in early Neolithic times among the indigenous tribes of Western Europe.
IF there is a relationship between Tarot and Cabala then Cabala must also have a
Western European origin!
Deep in the mists of time the Neolithic Britons developed a way to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon using a set of 78 tokens, such devices are called an Orerry, this Orerry became the Tarot. These tokens were probably drawn onto small disks of clay or straight pieces of twig. This Neolithic Tarot was the same as the "traditional" Tarot we use today with 56 pip cards and 22 trump cards.
Just before sunset the 56 pip tokens would be laid out in a circle and later that night true North established by observing the stars. 11 trumps were laid down across the northern axis of the circle, centered on the Fool (1), and 11 trumps laid out across the southern axis of the circle, centered on Justice (12), they are laid out clockwise in numerical sequence.
A Hagal Rune or 6 point cross is drawn in the center with each arm of the cross spaced 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9. The long shaft of the Hagal rune as Dragon's Head is aligned to 1997 then moved 1 pip token anticlockwise for every year until the current year, any arm of the hagal rune aligning with a trump card indicates a possible eclipse.
Eclipses can occur when the Moon is close to one of its Nodes, a Lunar Eclipse happens around the Full Moon and a Solar Eclipse can happen exactly on the New Moon. The North Node is called the Dragon's Head and the South Node is called the Dragon's Tail. In Geoffrey of Monmouth's "History of British Kings" he states that Merlyn built the Giant's Ring as a sepulcre to King Arthur's father, King Uther Pen Dragon, in Old Welsh Uther is 'heavenly' and Pen is 'head'.
The trumps are a Zodiac in their own right with each trump occupying 16.5deg of the Zodiac circle. Can you see our Neolithic Witches and Wizards gathered around their sacred circle, noting what trump rules which planet and hotly debating the portents with special interest if there appeared the twin Dragons to indicate the tallying of intercalendary Months in their sacred calender. A point of note here is that Tarot preceeded Stonehenge, probably by thousands of years, they would have to have had absolute confidence in the mathematical process before starting a project of that size.
The "Tarot" embodies the interaction of the Geo-synchronous Orbit of the Moon and the Helio-synchronous orbit of the Earth around the Sun. Those Geocentric cycles of the Sun and the Moon motivate the Weather, the Tides and the breeding and growth cycles of Plants, Animals and Man.
These cycles create the phenomenon of synchronicity. Synchronicity is innate within all life on Earth, it's cycles are structured into the human mind and enable divination. But just because you choose a token representing a particular aspect of the Sun and the Moon it doesn't mean that a specific fate will befall you, you're not that important! However, irrespective of what does happen to you, synchronicity will effect the environment in which it happens. In the absence of other more powerful influences it is the "default" motivating force in life.
A surprising finding of this earth energy research is that the peak aurora displays (the sunspot cycle) and the eclipse cycle are synchronous, both are 11 years! (22 years for a full cycle) Stonehenge and thus the tarot can predict the aurora displays.
The peak aurora display and thus sunspot maximum occurs on or just after the solar eclipse's of the midsummer and midwinter. The aurora displays are associated with the tarot cards the fool/ the world and justice/ the wheel of fortune. It must be kept in mind that analysis of sunspot counts over a couple of centuries revels that a sunspot cycle can vary from 9 to 14 years, 11 years is the average length of a cycle.
Put the year in question, eg, "2000"; in the box below and find the ECLIPSES for that year. |
Statement of Intellectual Property Rights.
The folk of Western Europe's "First Nations" have inherited some special cultural beliefs and practices that are their exclusive intellectual property. As with the Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals the cultural beliefs of the Native Europeans are protected by International Treaty. This work is part of that cultural tradition and is not to be considered as "available for appropriation" by other ethnic groups or any organization, however providing that the intellectual property rights are respected, stated and no fee is charged, it can be supplied as resource material for any course of study.
The Coligny Calender is the intellectual property of other researchers, the basic eclipse prediction process used at Stonehenge is the work of Professor Gerald Hawkins, however its association with Tarot, the error correction techniques used to synchronize Solar and Lunar time, the relationship between Stonehenge and the ancient Celtic Calender and the existence of the 22 houses of the ancient Celtic Zodiac are the result of my own original research. I gift this to the First Nations people of Western Europe, my people, as the intellectual property of their respective cultures. The right to expand upon this work, to develop culturally specific interpretations of this work or to translate it into another language rests exclusively with the First Nations folk of Western Europe including their expatriate communities. This work is copyright to me under the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia.