Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Meditation 1

Dreaming the Dance, Pt2.

Meditation has always been practiced by the
"First Nations" European people, it is an integral
part of all their rituals. The meditative state
cannot be reached until repressed anxieties are
released. In all natural human societies people
express anxieties, they don't repress them.

The immediate expression of anxiety is not
acceptable in Western culture today so the hardest
part of learning to meditate is starting. When I
began meditating distracting thoughts flooded my
mind, I couldn't ignore them because they were the
anxieties of my waking life.

I needed to address them, I got a meditation
diary, a school exercise book costs cents. For the
first meditations I was advised to stay awake
enough to write the distractions down in my diary
as they flowed through my mind.

"Through my mind" is the key, literally in one
ear and out the other! As long as I write them down
as they pass through I can honestly tell myself I
am addressing the problems.

With the disturbing thoughts recorded I am in a
position to address their issues. Even on the first
attempt the flow of thoughts slowed and I began to

Another exercise recommended to me when I began
meditating is to follow my anxieties back to their
source. "Don't just think about it, meditate on
it, record it in your diary, go right back as far
as you can, ask friends and relatives for their

"Work back through your life at the rate of
one year of your life per day. Your problems now
were caused by 'this' last year and they were caused
by 'that' the year before and so on".

"Most people can go back to age two or three,
some can go back to before their first birthday. Not
to mention past life regression!"

"So now you know! Its time to turn around and
come back."

"All that you know about yourself at 'year dot'
enabled you to achieve 'this' the next year, which
supported you in achieving 'that' the year after and
so on until to the present day."

What I achieved by this is to regressively
disempower all the negative influences in my life
and to successively empower all the positive
influences in my life. "OK, so who am I really?"

"You've recorded the major issues in your life;
you are now in a position to change things for the
better. Have the courage to change what you can with
the wisdom to accept what you can't. Some paths in
life are mutually exclusive, its one or the other and
did you really have a choise?"

"Yes! If, metaphorically speaking, you look up
and you're in front of a speeding train, why stop the
train when you can step off the track? For any given
circumstance you can be standing in the right place
or the wrong place, the choise is yours."

After some time I'd made changes in my life that
resolved many of those issues, but I then found those
issues had been replaced with new disturbing thoughts.
The deeper I delved into that inner pit of repressed
anxieties the more relaxed I became in my waking life.

It took a couple of months of regular practice but
I found that after 10 or 15 minutes of meditation I
ran out of disturbing thoughts and got my first taste
of inner peace. Total physical and mental relaxation!

The meditation countback technique is the one most
used by beginners, professionally recorded CDs and
computer CD roms are available from "New Age"
bookstores. Some recordings are good and others are
incredibly bad, some are purely for entertainment and
some are for "therapy", if you need therapy take it
up with a doctor or priest(ess), not a bookstore!

These are some of the teachings on meditation as
I recieved them "Somewhere safe to meditate is the
first goal, is it cool to meditate publicly in the
city's central park only to find half way through you
get "rolled" for your watch and sneakers! Peace and
quiet soon becomes the most precious commodity on

"What about high on a mountain top, deep in a
National Park; Mozzies can spot a student of
meditation a mile away (that's a lot more than a
kilometre!). It soon becomes apparent why the
hermits of old preferred caves or purpose built

"Good, safe, quiet meditation sites are at a
premium, good hunting and when you find one tell
nobody. The only word of advice I can give you is
don't use your bedroom, its association with
meditation will eventually disturb your sleep."

"Prepare for meditation by doing some moderate
exercise to work out any tension in the muscles,
a brisk halfhour walk is adequate, you could also
loosen up your joints with a brief yoga routine,
then relax. Take slow deep breaths, see the anxiety
stored in your muscles flow out of the body on the
out breath and replaced by life force on the in

"Your body constructed your mind to co-ordinate
its movements and speach, it controls the mind. The
mind also controls itself so if you imagine the
anxiety flowing out of the body with the out breath
that's exactly what the body sees in "it's" mind, and
believes it!"

"A gentle massage of the joints of the body will
greatly aid relaxation, its not effleurage, this is
to comfort the joint. The nerve that originates in a
joint also serves the muscles that control that joint.
By relaxing the joint you also relax all the muscle
groups that control the joint."

"Ensure that you are comfortable either laying down
on a yoga mat, seated on a cushion or in a chair, are
not excessively hungry or over-full and have recently
emptied your bladder and bowels. Continue the deep
breathing, if you're new to meditation record the
anxieties as they flow through your mind, if not then
you already know them well enough, just let them flow."

"The count-down given here is a structured and
easily memorised system of progressive relaxation in
7 steps, each of at least 30 seconds, take longer if
you need to. Soothing music helps enormously and
masks distracting noises. Word of mouth is the best
recommendation and try before you buy.

1 ....right foot, calf, thigh and buttock.

2 ....left foot, calf, thigh and buttock.

3 ....genitals, abdominal muscles and lower back.

4 ....right hand, forearm, upper arm and shoulder.

5 ....left hand, forearm, upper arm and shoulder.

6 ....diaphragm, ribs, upper back and neck.

7 ....jaw, face, scalp and the rational mind;.....
now, open your inner eye. Just let it open, what you
can imagine in your mind is what you see with your
eye closed, just let your inner eye see anything,
that's what's there. Don't try to understand it."

" When its time to return simply reverse the
proceedure, while meditating your consciousness loses
contact with the body to some extent. Feel your
consciousness re-inhabit your body, the face and head
first, then the chest, arms, abdomen and legs."

You can do it the easy way and just roll over
and go to sleep, you will awaken in the physical
world. To use meditation in conjunction with the
lucid dreaming technique described in pt. 3 of this
series then go through the 7 steps above in reverse
order, if this process gets sloppy it won't work
with dreaming."

"The fun starts once your consciousness
leaves your body, if you're going to see anything
that frightens you it will be here on the material
world, that is everything below the Moon. Friendly
spirits also inhabit the material world but they
are not bound to it. Next is the firmament and above
that is the spiritual world where most of the action
takes place."

"You are now in a state of deep relaxation. To
venture further you can rise up the ladder of
planets. From the material world the order of the
planets in the firmament is; 1....the Moon,
2....Mercury, 3....Venus, 4....the Sun, 5....Mars,
6....Jupiter and 7....Saturn. The outer planet are
respectively the higher octaves of Mercury, Venus,
Mars etc., they can only be perceived through a
skrying crystal (telescope)!"

"Beyond the planets are the constellations,
this is the lower spiritual world. Don't get the
impression that there is any clear demarkation
between any of the worlds, it is one continuem
which includes the physical world. The names relate
more to what man can experience there."

"To work with matters that are ruled by a
planet you need only travel in the firmament as far
as that planet."
This scenario conforms exactly
to the ancient Celtic world structure as described
in the "Vita Merlini", which was translated by Bob
Stewart and published as "The Mystic Life of Merlyn".

"There is an ancient European tradition that
says that the Sun and Moon are doorways. The Moon
is the doorway from the Physical world to the
Underworld and the Sun is the doorway from the
Physical world to the Heavens."

I started out working within an eclectic group of
"New Agers", it had many advantages. Most importantly
I had access to a network of like minded people and
they knew what worked, it also meant that I wasn't
tied to any one school of thought. This was in
the 60s, before the "New Age" was taken over by drug

Meditative practice usually starts with someone
reading a script to bring about physical and mental
relaxation. The next stage was the reading of
scripted journeys which include searching for gifts
or the retrieval of information from a book. It's a
form of divining.

The conversations with others during meditation
are interesting, don't think about it, just listen.
Some are other meditaters, some are dreamers, some
are spirits, others are your ancestors. "Your
ancestors are innate within you,"
I was told.
"they have a vested interest in your safety."

It pays to give your ancestors a right of veto
over your guides. An ancestor might even take on the
job of training you, that's the traditional path of
the shaman.

"Ask one of your Otherworld 'friends' to act as
guide while you start out writing and memorising your
own scripts"
, was one bit of advice. "A competent
and trustworthy guide won't work with you on drugs and
many, not even legal drugs like alcohol"
, was another.

It takes all types to make a world, involvement in
some groups might expose you to sexual, emotional or
psychological abuse. Do the names Charles Manson, Jim
Jones or David Coresh ring a bell?

What do you think happened to these people? Try
meditating while on drugs and you'll know! That's
exactly what some spirits want, the drugs affect them
too! Don't you join them?

When you reach this stage you will be taking
meditation seriously, it is now a self rewarding
activity. Perhaps too seriously, remember these
words; "get a life!"

Why you want to learn to meditate is important, is
the meditation a therapy or a foundation subject in a
larger course of study. Many universities teach
meditation as part of formal studies.

The group leader will influence your perspective
on meditation, a diviner will orient you towards
divining, a healer to healing and an abuser towards
abusing. Group leader is a position of responsibility,
not authority, and definitely not power!

The health benefits of meditation are many and no
religious tradition or school of medicine condemns it.
The stress reduction it brings demonstrably assists
the healing of body, mind and spirit. When combined
with a healthy diet, moderate exercise and a craft to
express your creativity it becomes the corner stone
for a fulfilling life.

"Dreaming the Dance, pt2" contains elements common
to many cultures. No Cultural property rights exist so I
gift the copyright of this work to the Public Domain.

(c) Hawkins 2004.


Dreaming the Dance, Pt1.

Dreams have always been important to Western
Europe's Aboriginal cultures. They believe that
all experience is of equal credibility, whether
from the mists of a dream or from the discipline of
a science laboratory, it all has to be perceived by
the human mind!

This is evident within the Celtic classic "The High
History of the Holy Grail", branch 1, titles 3 and 4;
where King Arthur's Squire, whilest sleeping at the
Court, dreamed that he had followed the King on
horseback. Deep within the forest he found a chapel and
within a dead Knight, surrounding him were 4 candles
upon wondrous candlesticks.

Intending to show a candlestick to King Arthur he
rode away with one hidden down his crotch. He was
challenged by a large black man with a knife who called
him "thief" and demanded that he return the candlestick.

When King Arthur heard the Squire screaming he came
to his bedside thinking it to be a dream. The Squire
produced the candlestick from his crotch and then
showed the wound where the man had stabbed him. After
confession the knife was withdrawn and the Squire died!

I've not met anyone who has had such a dream as this!
However dreams do have a significant effect on your life.

Given that we spend one third of our lives slipping
in and out of dreams, the ability to apply those
experiences to a useful purpose is a significant asset.
Lucid dreams are the most intense type of dream and it
is possible to achieve full consciousness within them.

I have used lucid dreaming to enrich my life for
nearly 30 years, indeed, several important parts of
"the Giant's Dance" series, published in Geomantica
magazine ( issues 14, 17, 20 and 22,
were researched using lucid dreams. All such research
was verified using academic resources before it was
used, however, before you can verify information you
have to know it exists!

I had known people who combined dreaming with
Gestalt therapy in the mid-sixties, although my own
introduction to dreaming was in 1975 with the book
"Creative Dreaming" by Patricia Garfield. I was soon
achieving erratic success with lucid dream induction
and within months had found the "Otherworld".

In 1991 I was using dreaming to research traditional
Celtic bronzesmithing techniques for a series of
sculptures when I received the "seed dream" on which
the "Giant's Dance" is based. I had the orrery working
by 1995 but I didn't understand why it worked.

Up until 95 the dreaming was confined to retrieving
visual images and assembling them in the waking state
like a jigsaw puzzle. The Celts used geometry for their
calculations not mathematics, everything is defined by
spatial relationships. The Giant's Dance functioned as
a slide rule!

To my knowledge the only precursor to the "Giants
Dance" is my earlier work "The Tarot of the Britons",
published in the April 97 edition of "Silver Cord", a
magazine focusing on "Spiritualism" in Australia. It
was presented as an "April Fool's Day" piece, it
caught all the skeptics!

I grew up with Spiritualism, my Great-grandmother
had helped Arthur Conan Doyle establish Spiritualism
in Australia. Spiritualists have the Spirits travel
from the "Otherworld" to visit them whereas Shamans
travel to the "Otherworld" to visit the Spirits.

As a Shaman I have two main methods of working,
dreams and meditation. The initial contacts and
visions are made in the dreamstate and are then
followed up by meditations.

Both meditation and dreaming are mutually
exclusive with respect to analytical thought. If,
while dreaming, you see something interesting and
you say "what's this", it's gone!

Attempt analytical thought during meditation and
it becomes fantasy, this severely restricts
meditation's value as a research tool. The transition
from meditation to fantasy is not obvious, if you are
capable of asking "what is my intent? to perceive or
to control" you are already in fantasy, abandon the

Most of you will have had a dream of "all knowing",
where the meaning of life as well as the past and
future are all revealed to you in an all embracing
ecstasy. Unfortunately when you awoke it was "just a

That's the depth of perception (level of
consciousness) I aim for in meditation, that
"at-one-ness", I've found that if you go there with a
question you will return with an answer. It's an
automatic process involving no conscious input by the
meditater and thus no opportunity for analytical

Identify your starting point and your ultimate
goal, then go into meditation seeking the next step
along the way. If the meditation is successful that's
what you'll return with.

Analysing the answer with respect to the starting
point will reveal the process in action, this will be
a logical extension of previously identified
processes. Keep each step to your goal as short as
possible because if the process gets complicated it
will become unrecognisable.

It was during a particularly lucid dream that a figure
emerged from the mists and in conversation said "you
know, they predict Eclipses here using stones the same
way we do with Tarot Cards!"

Within a later dream "The mists cleared and I was
among the stones, my Guide laid out the Trumps cards
in a circle with the Kings in the Quarters. There was
a six pointed star within the circle which slowly
turned. As our minds touched I understood Eclipse
prediction by Tarot".

I awoke and reaching for my cards I laid them out
as per the dream. I understood nothing! It took 6
Years of dreaming and communicating with my Spirit
Guides to regain the understanding I had in that

But the point is that I wasn't working in the
dark with totally new concepts, when the answers
came I recognized them. That made all the difference!

I had to develop a meditation technique to identify
the mathematical concepts behind the orrery's dual
indications at the Equinoxes (see above). This was
obviously the key to identifying the error correction
techniques used by the Celts to synchronise solar and
lunar time. This knowledge was lost!

It took 3 years to arrive at an understanding of the
error correction process relevant to Eclipse prediction
by Tarot. That process is the key to the functioning of
the ancient Celtic calendar, a working example of which
has survived to the present day as the "Coligny Calendar".

I am pleased with the results of all those years of
research. I hope that this work stands as an example of
what can be achieved when one starts out with nothing
more than a dream!

Western Europe's "First Nations" folk have inherited
some cultural beliefs and practices that are their
exclusive intellectual property. This work is part of
that cultural tradition and is not "available for
appropriation" by other ethnic groups or any

"Dreaming the Dance, pt1" is not public domain but
providing that no fee is charged it can be supplied
as resource material for any course of study for which
a fee is charged.

(c) Hawkins 2004.


Dreaming the Dance, Pt3 and final part.
The Dreaming.
By Steve Hawkins

Everybody dreams but you can go much further than
that, Patricia Garfield's book "Creative Dreaming"
(pub. 1975) gave me my start on Dreamer's Path. The
methods of dream control detailed below are drawn
from my own first hand experience.

Pick up your meditation diary and turn it upside
down so that the front page is now the back page and
write on it "Dream Diary". Open it up and write in
the date, you'll be using this book a lot.

Dreams are normally retained in the most volatile
part of your short term memory, upon awaking you have
5 minutes at the most to record a rough sketch of the
dream in your dream diary. A dream diary is an must!

Recording the dreams as key points of interest
with quick graphic sketches is all that is necessary.
You'll find these sketches act as prompts allowing
you to recall the dream in total for a more indepth

Fill any gaps later in the next day, some dreams
deserve a detailed account. Don't wait too long if
deeper analysis is warranted as the prompts fade with

The need to pee is one of the easiest ways to
enjoy short periods of dream consciousness, but
don't use this technique if you have a weak bladder.
You will awaken in the dream state immediately before
you physically wake, as soon as you realise you are
dreaming express the need to stay a little longer.
Allow the dream to take its course excepting to pee,
for this ask why, you will engage the rational mind
and awaken immediately.

A warm cup of herb tea before retiring aids this
technique, Cammemille is a nice soothing drink. If
this doesn't work add some lemongrass.

Once the dreaming starts you have to reach
lucidity. Dream consciousness can be achieved as a
result of an emotional response, a physical response
or a conditioned response. The dreamer's mind seems
to be quite primitive, it has the ability to perceive
the full range of physical senses plus some and the
full range of emotional responses, love, hate, joy,
sorrow, fear, sympathy etc.

When you feel an emotion and you think you are
dreaming express it! Say "I love you", "I sympathise
with you", "I fear you"; or touch the object of your

By doing so you gain consciousness within the
dream. Do not direct the dream as you would a play;
allow it to flow, to follow its own course.

The subject of a dream can be controlled by
dream induction, this includes setting up your key.
To do this you must identify a specific goal then
immerse your self in all matters pertaining to the
desired subject. This process usually takes about 3

If you need the dream to follow a specific
course, express your need. Doing so directs your
consciousness along the desired path.

You must test the apparent reality to see if you
are awake in the physical world or in the lucid
dream state. I use my conditioned response to confirm
the lucid dream state. Do not use any test that
awakens the analytical mind because you only have
that faculty when awake!

Remember to regularly test your dreams and always
use a test you can afford to fail. In the dream state
you can fly, travel in time, walk through walls;
things you can't do in the physical world.

Every serious dreamer will reach a stage where
they can't resist testing the physical world, you
can't know the truth until you try, right! (yea!
you've seen "Matrix"). It took months for the gravel
rash on my nose and chin to heal, use a test you can
afford to fail, no leaping off tall buildings with a
single bound!

The conditioned response requires some
preparation, I like to fly in my dreams so I go into
a routine where I symbolically separate from the
physical world by rising into the air, something I
can't do in the physical world. This induces dream
consciousness for me.

The conditioned response is a technique you use
after you've tried all the others as it requires some
dedication from the dreamer. Feel free to write your
own script.

There is another conditioned response, the
controlled "exit". Design yourself a rune, it can be
any sign, it doesn't have to be a true Rune. When you
awaken to pee or what ever note the dream scenario
before you physically wake up and write your exit
rune in the air. Make a quick note in your diary.

After you return to bed visualise the dream
scenario you noted on exit and then write your rune
in the air, most times the dream will continue on its
natural path with you in full dream consciousness.

Once you're accustomed to using an exit rune its
time to design your "key". A key is a conditioned
emotional response and similar to an exit rune in all
but the way it is used.

It takes some effort to set up a key, well lets
say you get out of it what you put in, every time you
use it. Design your self a rune that is special to
you, something that you "feel" very strongly about
but not a design that you are likely to encounter by
chance in your waking life.

A key is a rune that allows you to enter the lucid
dream state from a meditation and to exit again at
will. The conditioned response is a set routine you
design for yourself with as much emotive content as

To set up your key you must already be in the
lucid dream state, you must have memorised your
routine and be familiar with your scenario. The basic
routine is draw the key in the air or on the doorway
as you see it, pass through the doorway into the
meditative state, then count back to a controlled
awakening into the physical world and test for the
dream state.

Record a quick sketch of your experience in your
dream diary then lay back in your bed for the return
journey. Do the relaxation count-down, visualise
your scenario, see the doorway and draw your key;
now pass through into the lucid dream state.

If there is anything else you want to do, do it,
finish off the routine by drifting from the dream
state into sleep. When you wake in the morning check
your dream diary to remember the experience fully
and to check that you were not dreaming that you were

From now on you use your key to move from the
waking state to the lucid dream state and back to
the waking state. Revealing your key to anyone will
disempower it to some extent, there is no need to
do it.

The scenario; a good example is the entrance to
Moria from Tolkein's "The Fellowship of the Ring".
But if you use that then watching re-runs of "The
Lord of the Rings" will never be the same again!

Your scenario will evolve into a repertoire of
visualisations that you employ as you need them.
The Otherworld is an amazing place, be creative!

My particular area of interest is using lucid
dreaming as a research tool however it didn't
start out like that. Originally I applied lucid
dreaming purely for the entertainment value. Its in
3D with surround sound, smell and taste, full
tactile sensation, better than television!

The "key" is the way I achieved "at-one-ness"
for the research needed to tie up all the loose
ends in the 3rd draft of "The Secret Tarot". This
is the work upon which the "Giant's Dance" series
is based. I'd start the working day with a
meditation and enter the lucid dream then return
to the draft, re-entering the lucid dream state as
necessary for up to 4 hours in a sitting.

Working at that pace really taxed my brain
chemistry, I wouldn't do it again. If your going
to use the "key" for research, work at a leisurely

Dreaming supports the belief that the Physical
World is a reflection of the "Otherworld" or "Spirit
World" and that things manifest in the spirit first.
As Galadrial said in 'The fellowship of the Ring',
"you will see some things that have not yet come to

Foresight brings with it a responsibility beyond
the lot of mortal man, if you seriously try to skry
the future you might just succeed! Is the story of
Cassandra of Troy familiar to you?

Which brings me to my final point; you will have
noticed that dreams often don't make any sense.
That's because when you're awake you are passing the
dreams through the minds rational filters. They
don't fit!

In his book "The White Goddess" Robert Graves
refers to "Poetic Logic", that is, non-rational
thought. The Celtic classic "The High History of
the Holy Grail" is composed almost entirely of
Poetic Logic.

The justification for imposing rational upon Human
thought was man's inherent imperfection, its a
product of a belief in "the fall of man". I believe
that "the fall of man" is possibly the earliest
example of social engineering, that "the fall of man"
is a direct result of getting people to believe in
"the fall of man"! My research suggests that all
thought has an inherent integrity being a direct
utterance of the soul!

The early information retrieved by lucid dreaming
will be predominantly visual images supported by the
impressions of the other senses, plus feelings and
intuitions. Early attempts at direct communication
with Otherworld folk does not seem to make sense.

However, if you relax and just let it happen
you'll find that woven into the information stream
are flashes of inspiration which, once experienced,
are an effective form of communication. You don't
think it, you feel it! Anyhow if you "hang in there"
long enough you'll get used to it.

From my experience researching "the Giant's Dance"
I can say with confidence that there are spirits
who are prepared to teach mortals, that they are
organised into groups and that those groups interact
co-operatively. I have no idea of the politics of
this situation other than it exists. I didn't come
across "Hogwort's" in my travels.

What place does science play in all of this?
Mother Nature is a Goddess who strides across her
realm doing what she will. Science is a monkey who,
when not riding on man's back, follows right behind
her imitating her every move!

We can't see the Goddess from within her, we can
only see the monkey! It stops now and then gibbering
"look, she does exactly what I say!"

Western Europe's "First Nations" folk have
inherited some cultural beliefs and practices that
are their exclusive intellectual property. Parts of
this work are the result of my own research,
specifically the "controlled exit" and the "key". I
gift these to the First Nations people of Western
Europe as the intellectual property of their
respective cultures.

The right to expand upon this work (Dreaming the
Dance, pt1 & 3), to develop culturally specific
interpretations of this work or to translate it into
another language rests exclusively with the First
Nations folk of Western Europe including their
expatriate communities.

"Dreaming the Dance, pt3" is not public domain
but providing that no fee is charged it can be
supplied as resource material for any course of

(c) Hawkins 2011